edda lalaheart,

โœฑ โ‹ฎ ` edda lalaheart,

cancer โ€ข chaotic good โ€ข istp โ€ข chloeric

Age: 23 (upon death) 30 (current)
Gender: female / don't care really!
Sexuality: girl kisser (savage)
Race: dunesfolk lalafell.
Class: dark knight / ???
Guardian: menphina, the lover
Birthplace: the city of ul'dah
Profession: all disciple of hands.
Nameday: july seventh.
Wife: fifira fira -- bonded 2.14.22
Children: lily, hestia ifrita, fufuri furi
Status: "at this point, even i don't know!"

โ I'm happy because I'm here with all of you. Being alive again, and given a second chance to achieve what I hadn't been able to... Perhaps being a ghost was a dream come true for someone like me.
...Is it wrong to think of myself as alive? โž

What's With This Sassy Lost Child?
Edda tends to find herself in a lot of odd places, and has a habit of getting herself into trouble. Not paying tabs? Avoiding taxes? Brass Blades after again? Oh yeah, that guy she bullied last time she was here remembers her, huh? Despite typically playing a character, she's quick to throw in her actual snarky self and bully others, and people tend to treat her like a bratty kid that's in places she shouldn't be -- even if she's older than them!
Reverse Necromancer.
This girl proclaims she can make bodies. ...No, she doesn't revive corpses. Rather, she alchemizes life-like puppet dolls that houses the souls of those with no form to take. Supposedly she herself uses them! "They allow someone like me to experience things such as warmth and taste!" This has lead her to go back to complaining about her poor appetite. People told her to stop eating bugs.
The Blackest Night.
One who has also been touched by darkness can easily tell: this Lalafell was a Dark Knight. And a strong one, at that. The sword on her back seems to glow whenever she courses aether through it, and her fighting style is reckless bloodshed -- cackling as she cuts through her foes without a care for her own wellbeing. She's definitely an oddball and way too dangerous to be fighting in city grounds, but there's certainly more to her than meets the eye, if that shadow of hers is to speak...
What do you mean you're from Ul'dah?
From a girl roleplaying as a conjurer from Abalthia's Spine, Edda seems to have a strange relationship with the city-state of Ul'dah. She says she was born there, not to mention loathes the place and seems to have a warrant there for her arrest? For tax fraud, she says. Perhaps it's something more. Regardless, there's certainly more to her story than she tries to cover up...
Inside You There Are Two Wolves...
Aethersight shows this girl is a crazy amalgamation of a lot of different things. Trying to pinpoint what her original essence might be is difficult, so perhaps it would be best to investigate those who share ties closest to her. For some reason, there seems to be a lot of red-headed girls named Lilia Lia that share bonds with her... Though your sights may also point you towards Edda Blackbosom and Fifira Fira.
Maybe you're seeing a ghost. (It wouldn't be the first time.)
"I wanted to be a hero, just like you were, _______..."
Wasn't she laid to rest, though?
Despite Edda Pureheart's soul having moved on, this girl remains...
(Why is she a Lalafell now, though..?)

Few people truly know where Edda originally came from. According to her, she was 'found in the dumpsters by Ridges and Tax Girl (her family) and adopted to work at a bar' and little is known past that. Most of the stories she tells of her past come in the form of hyperbole and noodle incidents. While you can deduce she's born in Ul'dah, you've probably heard more stories about her crimes committed in the city than her childhood there. Truth be told, the ghost has reasons for keeping quiet of what/who she was before becoming the troublemaker she is today. It's lead to much of the cynicism and identity issues she has... And the reason she pretends to be someone she's not.You didn't really think she was Edda Pureheart, did you? Well, she'll continuously claim to be, but she's terrible at keeping up the lies. The reality is this ghost was an old friend of the long-departed, and took up her name and appearance in memory-- or so she tells herself. Truth be told, the girl herself believed her own life to be meaningless, and thus begun to live as someone else to be memorable in others' eyes. Though the antics worked, there was still quite a hole in this Lalafellin's heart.

In the past, she was terrible at letting people get close. Terrified of it, even. Causing pranks and making others hate her was easier than befriending people. She didn't wish to say goodbye. It took a fateful encounter one year ago at a Cafe she'd begun to haunt for this closed off princess to slowly open up... And over time, her smile would return and she'd become the carefree, hedonistic self she is today.There's some easy ways to befriend the girl, and some harder ones. It's practically a coin flip whether she decides to play nice with you on a certain day or not, so pray you're lucky or play into her games. Her hobbiees include poisoning people (including herself!) for fun and eating food off the floor. ...Why did those become her hobbies again? The loneliness, apparently.

โ”Œโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โˆ˜ ยฐ โœฟ ยฐ โˆ˜ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”

โœฑ โ‹ฎ ` personality,

โ””โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ยฐ โˆ˜ โœฟ โˆ˜ ยฐ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”˜

Positive Traits
confident โ€ข empathetic โ€ข loyal โ€ข ambitious โ€ข passionate โ€ข supportive โ€ข optimistic โ€ข resourceful โ€ข courteous โ€ข playful โ€ข observant

her friends โ€ข being in love โ€ข sweets & tea โ€ข flowers & their meanings โ€ข being a trickster โ€ข annoying other people โ€ข eating anything and everything โ€ข being remembered (good or bad)

Negative Traits
lazy โ€ข egocentric โ€ข stubborn โ€ข rebellious โ€ข insecure โ€ข self-destructive โ€ข aimless โ€ข impulsive โ€ข reckless โ€ข immature โ€ข impatient โ€ข overimaginative

having to work โ€ข catboys โ€ข bitter things, coffee โ€ข the cold โ€ข auracite โ€ข ul'dah, the syndicate โ€ข being mocked โ€ข being called a child โ€ข people who are too stuck up โ€ข you, probably

Anyone who's met Edda will note one thing from the very beginning... She's what the kids call a "tsundere". Although she's gotten to the point she's rather 'elegant' in her manners and often softer-spoken than she used to be, once her buttons are pressed she's quick to fall back to her usual habits-- yelling and pouting like a child. Despite her age, she's incredibly rebellious and immature... But she has reason for it. This ghost didn't really get the chance to make friends or have meaningful social interactions for most of her life, so while she's able to understand the feelings behind words... It's still a struggle to accept them.In the past, she used to be a callous, rather huge trouble-making ghost... Luckily she seems to have settled down a bit, thanks to falling in love with a bunch of cute girls. After a fateful meeting with a Lalafellin who thought her scary attire was more cute than intimidating, Edda's life rapidly changed as she ended up meeting and opening up to many different people. She can readily say she has friends now, as well as loved ones. This, in turn, gave her a reason for her existence in this realm-- and a reason to fight.Currently, the ghost finds herself stood beside the ones she cares about the most. She took up Astrology as well as found new meaning behind her Dark Knight's sword in order to protect them, and will harness these talents to make meaning out of her newfound unlife. Though her old habits still die hard... One could say this Edda is still far from the one who originally awoke here.

โ”Œโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โˆ˜ ยฐ โœฟ ยฐ โˆ˜ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”

โœฑ โ‹ฎ ` inventory,

โ””โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ยฐ โˆ˜ โœฟ โˆ˜ ยฐ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”˜


For some reason, Edda always seems to be carrying this around with her. In fact, she constantly tries to swindle people into buying it off of her, or allowing her to even poison their drinks. Is it real poison? Will it kill you? ...That's up for you to find out.

Eternity Ring

Edda's most prized possession, and the official proof of her bond between her and her wife. It holds some of Fifira Fira's aether in it, allowing her to travel to her partner's side at any moment in time.


From the Lalafellowship. In fact, Edda carries a concerning amount of these with her. Why doesn't she drink them? She just orders them and places them in her pocket like a weirdo. Her wife begs her to drink them, but she says they'll taste better stale.

Stuffed Edda

Another item Edda carries too many of. Despite the fact she no longer pretends to be Edda (Except when it benefits her), she carries these plushies around to give to people. Though, most of her friends tend to place them in their apartments and homes, which makes the ghost happy.


A common fishing lure. ...Is what it would be if Edda used it as such. Apparently she tries to feed them to people citing 'Worm for food'. Nobody knows where she picked up this odd behavior. At the very least, a Sin Eater she befriended likes the fish bait she carries around.

Star Drops

Edda's favorite snack. She believes that you can make wishes off them, and also has the ability to tell your fortune based off the colors and amount you receive. (Though if you're unlucky, she'll just end up eating the entire jar of candies herself.)

โ”Œโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โˆ˜ ยฐ โœฟ ยฐ โˆ˜ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”

โœฑ โ‹ฎ ` relationships,

โ””โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ยฐ โˆ˜ โœฟ โˆ˜ ยฐ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”˜

fifira fira

Edda's beloved wife. The two of them met through the Cafe the ghost frequents weekly, and ended up becoming close due to their common love for shenanigans. Although at first Edda retreated from Fira due to believing it was impossible for the girl to harbor feelings for her, the two eventually begun dating, and slowly became inseperable. After helping Fira tackle her own ordeal with Ifrit, the two became engaged and eventually married on Valentione's Day. It's hard to see one without the other, nowadays. They have two adopted children, as well as one biological child from the future.

raraso raso

Edda would best describe Raso as: "That idiot who saved me." Though she didn't know it at first, the two had known each other for a long, long time. Fate brought them together once again when Raso stumbled upon her future, ghostly self at the Lalafellowship and immediately started causing her trouble. (And thought she claims this, she kept coming back every week...) For the longest time, Edda thought of her as nothing but an idiot, but after learning more about her came to respect her as both a person and a (begrudging) partner. Though the two are technically engaged, there's been no ring involved. If anything, it's just a pact between the two of them to have an epic swordfight under the moonlight, or something? The two of them keep flirting about that, after all.

elvira garraithe

It'd be hard to describe Vira and Edda's bond in written terms. The two of them are bound together in a way stronger than any form of love or written contract could allow: They always say 'We spirits and fae get along well!', after all. The two of them are married without ring or ceremony, but simply because they'll be together forever. In fact, Edda and Vira's bond is so strong the two of them never have, and never will have a fight-- The two of them refuse to raise a blade amongst each other unless designated necessary to protect the other. Their love will always be strong, come time, distance, or other partners in their way.

lilia lia

Edda's Esteem. The two of them have been through many ups and downs, and twists and turns, but it seems their bond only forged strongly in the end. Thoguh at first Lia desired for the girl to 'return to being her true self', she slowly learned what being Edda meant to her, and began to except her as a new person entirely. This in turn, also allowed Lia to become her own person as well. The feelings between them are certainly what one would call 'love', but it a form of familial love only two people that share the same identity could share...

โœฑ โ‹ฎ ` edda lalaheart,

Nice to meet you! I'm Vivian, and despite all my rage, I'm still just a frog in a ball. Edda becoming my OC was a complete accident. I wanted to make an Edda Pureheart alt, but also play a Lalafell. A friend of mine suggested a Lalafellin Edda, and, well... I ended up making lore for her and now she's my main character!I've been roleplaying for over 10 years now, but I admit I'm still new to the OC game. Edda is a pretty tame character compared to others out there, but I still hope you like her as much as I do! That being said, since I started roleplaying on FFXIV, I've ended up making a million OCs and am currently at 7 characters on Ultros. Send help, the brainworms are real.While admittedly I'm very shy, I LOVE roleplaying and writing in general, so if you approach me there's a 99% chance I'll interact with you. Or if you just hop in my DMs and plot in advance, I'd be SUPER excited! I can talk non-stop when it comes to roleplaying and I spend a lot of my in-game time going to venues and hanging out with fellow roleplaying companions.If you want to reach me, I'm on Twitter or Discord almost all the time. My Twitter is very Retweet-heavy but it's very FFXIV-focused, if that's your thing! I also respond ASAP on Discord, but please ask me for my ID. I hope we'll have a chance to hang out in-game or perhaps interact! I'm sorry in advance for Edda.

vivian โ€ข 25 โ€ข genderfluid โ€ข any

My Socials
Discord: Ask me!
Twitter: flowershroud
Tumblr: flowershroud
Toyhouse: Satori

Edda Lalaheart Ultros
Lilia Lia Ultros
Pagaga Vochstein Ultros
Ruruna Gozen Ultros
Tatakano Rurukano Ultros
Yuyuki Lia Ultros
Setsuna Qestir Ultros

I'm fine with any forms of roleplay. Walk-Ups and /Tells are welcome at pretty much anytime! I use "Quotation Marks" to designate dialogue and being In-Character. My most common methods of writing are laid-back dialogue-based roleplay as well as small-para, but I can do anything including crack & multi-para!Always feel free to contact me either In-Game or via Twitter if you'd like to plot something in advance. My Discord is available via request, as well. I typically don't speak OOC first due to my anxiety and am better at meeting people in-character!Please ask permission before harming or killing Edda. For fights, I typically go by the /random 20 ties favors attackers rules. I will always ask for consent before jumping into a fight and/or doing anything that changes a character. I am always interested in having characters that are enemies of / wish to exorcise Edda!I do NOT do NSFW / ERP. I apologize in advance, but that sort of content gives me personal discomfort due to past trauma. If it's something you in engage in: I don't care! Just please do not involve me + do not tell me about it. 18+ Content such as drinking, violence, death, etc. is okay, however. (My personal opinion is NSFW Lalafell โ‰  Pedophilia, but I still do not like seeing it. Thank you for respecting my boundaries and consent!)Edda is polyamorous, however I typically only ship with Lalafellin since I find Tall relationships much harder to create. I like to have an established bond with someone before I consider shipping as well. Please note regardless that Fifira Fira is and always will be my main ship + bond and is my in-game partner. I am not looking to replace her nor am I actively looking for shipping.Anything said IC โ‰  OOC. Edda is a chaotic character and sometimes (often) says assholeish things. I am someone who is very different than her! If she says something that hurts you, please let me know and I am 100% okay with toning her down. Comfort always comes before lore-compliancy.I love Found Family scenarios and I am fully okay if you want to try and adopt Edda. Do know she is a bastard and will fight it, however. (Also she might get her hundred-billion Ascian grandpas to beat you up. She doesn't remember their names she just calls them all Gramps.)Other general rules apply. I will never tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. And I do not want to interact with people who actively use said content in their stories. Roleplay is a form of escapism and I prefer these topics do not appear in-character unless for good reason.

โœฑ โ‹ฎ ` lilia lia

" i love you, but this is farewell. "

Edda was not always the soft-hearted and warm person she is now. In fact, it took her a long journey to reach this pointโ€” and even now she still holds her temperment and stubbornness close. A long time ago, before she even died... This ghost was not known as Edda, but as Lilia Liaโ€” prodigy daughter of Syndicate parents and princess in a tower. Much of her time was spent in solitude, studying whatever was deemed important: disciples of the hand, politics, and of course mending her mind to be closed off and cruel. The lack of love in her life made her desperate for a change, and when given the small spark and a smile from a passerby, she ran away at the first sign....This fleeing princess was murdered shortly after, and begun to loathe the short, meaningless life she once held. 'Lilia Lia' to her was a person full of regrets and nothingness. Being in a state of non-existence, where the world couldn't see her, and she couldn't interact with anything... She happened upon a budding group of adventurers: Edda Pureheart and her group. This is who she ended up deeming to be her first friend. Being inspired by the girl's love and relating to her own weaknesses and insecurities, Lia ended up copying her path... A little too seriously, as when the conjurer went mad and soon died, she took up the name and handle for herself. "It was in honor of a friend," she told herself... But she knew that wasn't entirely the truth.

"...Why do we have to hide who we are, hide how we feel, think, even the life we once lived? Aren't you scared of it too? ...Of being lost to time."

When one refers to 'Lilia Lia', they could be speaking of many people-- but there are two individuals who respond to that name in particular: Lilia, a soul from seven years past who watches the future with a tinge of regret. And Lia, a shadowy form who holds onto the namesake so her final wish-- 'Don't forget me' -- would never be forgotten.Lilia is a gentle, bright-hearted soul who tends to find her naivety her most limiting factor. Being sheltered most of her life, this wandering zombie seeks all that she had never gotten to experience before, whether it is the simplicity of nature or the strong emotions of love. The girl always brings with her sage advice and a friendly smile, but always keeps those at a distance. "I won't be here for much longer," she eventually comes to speak. "I just wish to lessen the pain when we say farewell." Those who get to know her can come to tell her stepford smiler ways and drag her into being more open... But the lingering dark emotions she holds deep down scare her to the point she bottles everything up to bursting."I hate Ul'dah. I wished to destroy it all. And seven years ago, I..." It's hard to live with the fact you had done horrible things, only for them to be quietly swept under the rug. Though the world could forgive her, how could she forgive herself, knowing just how deep she had fallen and willing to go for the sake of freedom? Scars may not remain, but Lilia herself is a fragment of past regrets. For now, until the day she once again falls back into slumber, she watches this 'happy future' her ghostly self and others had found... Always being stung with twinges of regret and subtle malice.Lia was born one day beneath the cold blizzards of Coerthas, drawn forth from the memories of a Dark Knight's soul stone left behind by a poor soul at Witchdrop. The moment she opened her eyes, a strong emotion panged through her heart: Inferiority. Who was Lilia Lia, anyways? Though it was the identity she was forged after, her other self, Edda... She was treated as a stranger, as someone to hide away in shame and forget about. It drove her to conflict with the ghost, as the two strove to understand the other's feelings of their existence."You wish to be Edda? Prove to me your worth."
"...I won't forget you, Lia."
"I'll only exist in your head! Nobody will care about me. About us--!!"
"Give being yourself a chance. Just... Be yourself! Like I am!"
"For you... are the person I care for the most, Edda. Know that well."
"...Let's go, Lia."
That time spent behind Edda is something she values above all else. She considers herself a protector-- an Esteem who will spend every last drop of her life defending that which she defines sacred. Though her body and form is inexplicable, and when in combat Lia's true terrifying self comes to light... All of it is forged out of the feeling that has kept her alive to this day, the one that made her heart begin beating in the first place. Even now... She's not sure how to describe the feelings she has for Edda, but she does know what they are: Strong feelings... of Love.

Thank you so much for commissioning me! If there's any issues or questions, please feel free to contact me via Twitter or Discord @ fleuresce#8051While the editing page looks really off with no design, when you save it should be perfectly fine!